Chapter Three


The Universal Cafe

You find these places now and then, even now. They look almost as they did in 1968, only a little dustier. Painted windows, stained glass doodads and prisms vying for light space with the ferns and wandering-jews. Tables made of distressed planks covered with thick yellow resin embedded with souvenirs. Cacophonous posters, advertising illegible events, some faded (both posters and events). Framed manifestos next to the hallway to the bathrooms. Chalkboard menu. Worn pine floors. Bus yourself and three threadbare couches around a potbelly stove.
That's the Universal Cafe. You expect a tired old hippie behind the display case and a menu distinguished by alfalfa sprouts and sunflower seeds. You expect the pile of magzines in the basket to be heavy on the New Age, and the music to be the same things your mother got tired of in 1973. Look again. There's a bar in the back, complete with a pool table and a tiny dias in the corner which is used as a stage for special events. Nights, there's a rotating menu of ethnic dinners produced by the owner's ex-wives and ex-sisters and ex-mothers in law. Days, the breakfasts are the heavy kind, rich with sausage, even the jook, which is available everyday but Sunday, when the menu includes menudo.
Abel -- the owner, who is there most of the time, though he has officially passed much of the business on to his grandchildren -- is a mystery. He has an accent, but everyone has their own theory about it. He tells obvious lies about his early years and answers questions with more obvious lies. Questions or attempts to call his lies achieve nothing but an enigmatic smile or mock outrage. Upstairs there's two apartments. One is occupied by a younger granddaughter and her baby, and the other is the residence of the relief bartender, who is a werewolf and cute as a button, even with the muscles he has.
You can see what is Universal about the Universal Cafe. Its framed manifesto is clearly about justice and tolerance, but don't look at it too closely -- it reads as if it had been run through the translation engine too many times, through too many unlike languages, and the longer you study it the less certain you are that you understand it.
Abel knows most of his customers by name, even the ones who have only been there once or twice. He never asks twice -- most people can't remember having been asked their names once. Whatever business is being done, Abel has an ex-in-law who has the solution to it, the material, the manufacturer, the market, the maven. Before about three o'clock in the afternoon, the bar isn't much of a bar, and Abel can be found there, sitting at a table with other mysterious old men, the color of old newsprint and dry as August, drinking shot glasses of nasty obscure liquors and talking so softly that the only thing you're sure of is that the language they're speaking isn't your own.
Of course Abel knows Harry. He's known Harry since way back when. He has a few of Harry's boxes from the last time Harry left town.

I am invited to get ready to have a show
Barris Mackey was at the Universal Café! And he paid for breakfast (yummy yummy jook, but Harry and Barris had huge plates of sausage and fried eggs and pancakes and and and). But they wouldn't talk about art. They kept talking about factions, and I tried to be a good girl and pay attention because who knows? someday maybe I won't be working in isolation, I'll have a whole "school" of mixed media artists that I belong to, and maybe this political stuff might become relevant. But it was boring. At least something concrete came out of it. Barris said if I wanted to have a show, to put together a new portfolio and call him -- and he gave me his number! -- and he'd introduce me around. He said under no circumstances was I to allow myself to be patronized before I had another public show, and especially not to take commissions from random people who seemed to know more than they ought to be able to. I guess Harry told him about that woman who keeps coming to the bookstore. She hasn't been back in a while and frankly I'd sort of forgotten about the intriguing cylinder project. For a minute there I felt like the naughty little girl who tried to get the liquor down from the top shelf.
So but that was good. That was not bad. That was an offer to get me a show when I have enough new work. I asked him how many pieces it took to make a portfolio and he said "I don't think you're going to like this, but it all depends." And then he laughed. "No, really, but you should have at least ten in your portfolio, and at least six of the pieces should be really new work."
That will keep me busy for months.
Work was work. A few quaint individuals, but nothing to get excited about. Found The Secrets of the Masters on the wrong shelf again, so I took some time to read it for a while.
After I got home I found a message from Forager Girl. I wish she had a real name. Forager Girl sounds like something out of a precious fantasy story, the kind with mystical sex in it. She was at Wednesday Wanderings last night, and she spent the whole time drawing these cool patterns. She said they were notes about what Harry was saying about universal symmetry, but I didn't get those from what he said. I didn't get much. I said so, and Harry, who was slouching around nearby, said that was a good thing and I should cultivate it. I said, "what, not getting things?" And he said yes.
Forager Girl and I are getting together tomorrow, when I am not working. I don't think Hugo has noticed that he has me working six days on a good week, seven sometimes, and only two days off in a row every month and a half. Or maybe he has and is playing dumb so he doesn't have to hire more help. That's probably it: my paycheck was way more than I expected again last time and when I tried to get him to fix it he said it was too much trouble and he'd take it out of some other check. The last time he said that he never did.


Monkey came with the name. He had this weird metal collar on with a bunch of Chinese characters. It was tight and chafing his neck so I sawed it off. A guy at work read the characters and said that the dog's name was Monkey. So that's his name. Yeah, it's a dumb name for a dog. But I figured, he'd obviously been through a lot, and I wasn't going to top it off by changing his name just because I feel like it.

So then where did Monkey come from?

Hell if I know.

boredom vies with weirdness
I'm bored as fuck and Mikey's got his computer with him, so I guess I'm stealing some time off a node or something. I've been making the weirdest deliveries all day. Unwieldy objects to and from the Knob. And to and from the weirdest places. When I get home I'm going to check on Monkey's map: but I think they're all behind the reservoirs with respect to the Knob. I hope that's just paranoia. Because if it's not, then it's one more damned thing I have to pay attention to and I don't know what it means. I am not insane and I do not look for these things.


Forager Girl, and weird mail
Forager Girl and I had a great day. We cooked lunch with the stuff she brought and it was fine, though odd, and I of course augmented it with noodles. I showed her what I was working on and some notes for some other stuff I've been thinking about and she asked all the right questions and gave me really useful critique. It was like drinking water on a really hot day, like hanging with Barris Mackey when he's not going on and on about factions and politics. My next day off, or sooner if I don't get one soon enough (fooey on Hugo), I'll go to her place and look at her stuff. When she finally had to go I walked her down to the lobby and Harry met us there and made one of his usual remarks. He was really interested in the Cambodian piecework on one of her shoulder bags.
I want to go back and re-read everything I've ever seen about dynamic symmetry.

In other news, I'm getting weird mail. The kind of thing like those ads urging you to get some kind of credit card (Chain always talks me out of those and it's annoying because I'd really like to use plastic now and then). But they're not: they're solicitations for art competitions, juried shows, and stuff like that. How did I get on those mailing lists? They're so weird, not like the kind of letter you'd expect to get from galleries or foundations or schools or whatever – they look just like those credit card letters. Including the sticker that says "Yes" and the sticker that says "No."
Chain says I should throw them away but I've been stuffing them in an envelope to show to Barris Mackey whenever I see him again.


The reservoirs, again
I tried the matte finish fixative and it's not great.
Then Chain made me walk all around the City with him and Monkey and he wouldn't tell me why. It was the reservoirs, though we did a lot more than walk from each to each. He had the map.
Monkey was very interested in each of the reservoirs.
Then when we came home, completely exhausted, Harry said we should probably not do that walk a third time. How did he know we had done it at all, or that Chain and Monkey had done it before? And Monkey seemed to be arguing with him, or Harry seemed to be arguing with Monkey, but I was too tired to take much note of what Harry was saying. Monkey wasn't saying anything, naturally, he's a dog. What's with Harry and the dog, anyway?
Chain showed me the metal collar that Monkey came with. It's very heavy and the edges are not that smooth. Poor dog. He said that Monkey just showed up one day when Chain was hanging around at Moneybags Park and that was it. Chain gave him two-thirds of a panini sandwich and Monkey followed him around the rest of the day and came home with him, and a day or so later Chain got the collar off and translated. Mikey did it.


brunch brunch on a lovely sunday morning
Brunch at the Universal with Chain and Forager Girl. Harry and Barris showed up when we were about halfway through breakfast ( noyummy yummy jook, but I was really hungry and I had eggs over easy instead). I told Barris about my envelope full of invitations and he was quite concerned, so I ran back to the apartment and got it for him. He and Harry perused each and every one of them, turning them over and over and squinting at them in the light. Looking for watermarks? Why would there be watermarks on that kind of thing?
Anyway, Barris confirmed that none of them was a legitimate call for entries and said that a lot of the independent artists – he meant me! – were getting them. Forager Girl said she got some too. Then Barris asked if he could look at her work so we all got into Barris's car, which is not big enough for five people – the back seat isn't really meant for people, or at least not for grownups – but we managed. And so I got to see Forager Girl's work.
She lives with a couple of uptight hipsters, wannabes who can't figure out if they wannabe yuppies or wannabe bohos. But she gets the biggest room in the apartment and that's actually where she works. Barris said she shouldn't do that because of toxicity but she just shrugged. What do you expect from a person who eats the botanical equivalent of roadkill?
Well, her work. What can I say? We're sisters. I think her stuff is slightly more edgy, and my stuff is slightly more complex, but we're on a similar path, I think.
He gave her the same offer as me, and said we might consider a joint show, which makes sense to me.

Dec. 5th, 2005


Harry Smith received a message. It arrived in a small box wrapped in brown paper, with a return address he recognized. He didn't open the box. He didn't need to.
The return address was not in this world.

Lame threats
Weird thing at Moneybags Park. Suit comes up to me and says, "You tell that girl she's listening to the wrong people."
I said "say what?" and he repeated it, bland face, no overtly threatening expression, but his body looked like he was about to pick me up and slam me into the cement. I know that posture.
I said "which girl?" and he only slightly scowled, then made a nasty smiley face and loomed a little in my face and then walked away.
It would not have taken much more for me to pick him up and slam him into the cement.
So, Bella, I figure the message is for you: some suit thinks you're listening to the wrong people. Unless it's for your weird girlfriend. But yesterday you were both listening to the same people, and if it's about anything, it's about that.
Unless the suit's just crazy. That could happen too. Ask me, they're all witless.
Stupid jerkoff Knob people.


Barris comes to Harry

Barris came over to Harry's apartment and found Monkey already there. "I think it's time to clue them in as much as we can," Barris said. "In spite of the gaps in our knowledge."
Monkey curled a lip.
"We can leave you out of it for the time being," Harry said. "I agree. I was hoping to have a fuller picture before doing this but they're stafrting to get threats."
"You're right, Monkey," Barris said. "The Factions are stupid. The threats are red herrings. The real seduction will come afterwards, and soon."
"Not so soon,"Harry said, looking at the oddly decorated calendar spread out page by page over the bare mattress. "It's almost three weeks to the dark of the moon."
Monkey jumped on to the bed. He shook his head at the calendars and jumped off.
"What do you expect?" Harry said. "Dogs can't read."

a palaver
I didn't have to close tonight. I didn't expect it but Forager Girl met me at the bookstore and walked home with me. She was upset about something but wouldn't tell me what. We had noodles but noodles didn't help. Chain called and said he was going to be late. Forager Girl made me so nervous I didn't have the heart to hassle him about skanks. Barris and Harry showed up. That was weird too: I didn't get a chance to open the door for them because Monkey somehow did it. I don't know how: the chain was on. And that is very high on the door. Just once I'd like to catch him at it.
So anyway we all sat down – on the floor, we don't have four chairs – and Barris and Harry told us this amazing yarn about the forces at work in the city and I'm not supposed to repeat any of it but I am supposed to believe it all. The thing is, I think I do, and so does Forager Girl, or at least I think I believe that something's going on that may or may not be exactly as they say it is, but is probably of some similar nature. So I promised to be careful.
Now that I think about it, I realize I'm not supposed to repeat this to anybody "not in the house." And at the moment that Harry said that, Chain walked in. Harry changed the subject, so I guess he didn't want to talk to Chain about it right then, but I also get the impression that he knew Chain was in the house already.
Anyway, at least now I have a reason to pin all those weird people on.


The suits in this town have all lost their minds. Two of them approached me today with obscure threats/offers. Apparently I can have anything I've ever wanted if Bella does or doesn't do something they will not name.
When I figure out what they want you to do, Bella, I'll tell you not to do it.

Well, after that palaver last night, I think I know what they want me to do.


Another invitation
So almost every weirdo I've met in the last month and a half showed up at Wednesday Wanderings and the air was just crackling. I didn't understand a word of what anybody said to anybody and least of all what everybody said to me and to Forager Girl. The capper came when the Button Down Guy gave me and Forager Girl engraved invitations to some other big do at the Feuer Mansion and Harry accepted them for us.
I asked him what the, and he said we should go, just be careful and don't do anything we know we shouldn't, and also to be careful not to eat any food that is not in season, no matter how it's done up. I asked what that meant, like no bread? Because bread is never in season or out of season. He just leered. And here I thought he had become a little less cryptic and forthcoming last night. The date of this do is December 11, four days from now on Sunday of all days.
I'm going to beat Harry's ass. That's the fucking full moon.
What difference does that make?

am It means I'm going with you. And so is Monkey.

weirdness and secrets
Came home to find the house full of weirdness and secrets. That's okay. My day was already full of weirdness and secrets.
Out of respect for Harry, I'm not going to do that reservoir walk again. But I'm visiting them again, each, but out of order so that it won't be like doing the reservoir walk in slow motion. Monkey seems to approve. In general, he gets more agitated as time goes on. He wants action. And so do I.
I got itchy scars and itchy fingers.

Don't say stuff like that. It makes me nervous.

Only nervous? You're supposed to be terrified.



The disagreement between Harry and Monkey over the advisability of completing the reservoir circle ritual was rooted in the difference in their understanding of the nature of two of the factions. Soon events would clear up that ambiguity, though not others, and would allow them to come to a consensus on the handling of the reservoirs, the entities that dwelled there, and the factional structures they impinged upon.

what shall I wear? what shall I wear?
I made Harry give me Barris Mackey's number and I called him to ask him about this thing at the Feuer Mansion. I really wanted to know how I was supposed to be dressed because I didn't want to look like the freaking Little Match Girl again if it was going to be all dressed up people with makeup on. He seemed surprised I was going and not like he thought it was a great idea,. But he said I should dress ultra goth if I could.
Forager Girl says she can help me out.
Screw that. Wear your mechanic's coveralls you wear when you're doing really nasty stuff. And that pink fluffy beret.

You're hopeless.

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